Stephen Gleave

Cues and Views

Employment lawyer Stephen Gleave, in brief.

Stephen Gleave

Home: Ancaster, ON, Canada.  Age: You stop counting after the 30th trip around the sun. Birthplace: Toronto, ON, Canada.  Profession: Law.  Organization: Hicks Morley.  Title: Partner.  Pronouns: He/Him/His.  Alma mater: Queen’s University, University of Oxford.

Current project: Growing trees.  Latest accomplishment: The cattle farming is going well, thanks for asking.  Latest contribution to others: An interview on leadership for Ideamensch.  Hobbies: Orchards, bee-keeping, agriculture.

Personality profile: Disinterested in labels.  Moral compass: Be nice to nature and it will be nice back. How do you define a perfect friendship? Love to talk about bees.  What occupation, other than your own, do you most admire? Farmers.  How do you relieve stress? Gardening. 

What was your favorite college course? Philosophy.  What was your favorite childhood toy or game? Yahtzee.  What movie have you repeatedly watched? Books.  What’s prominently featured on your home or office wall? My law degree. 

What is your big idea?

Everybody should grow plants. 

What message do you want to send out into the world? Spend more time in nature.  What mega-trend most excites you? DIY farming.  

What title would you choose for the movie about your life? The Green Thumb.  As a kid, what did you first want to be when you grew up? Ninja Turtle.  What advice would you give your younger self? Don’t worry so much.  What day in your life would you choose to re-live? My wedding day.

Personal mission: Learning and growing.  Personal motto: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 

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