Scott Berkowitz

Cues and Views

Scott Berkowitz, founder and president of the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization, in brief.

December 1, 2022
2 Minutes
Scott Berkowitz

Home: Washington, DC.  Age: 53.  Birthplace: New Jersey.  Profession: Started out in politics, spent a long time in the consulting business and ended up running a nonprofit.  Organization: RAINN.  Title: Founder and President.

Recent professional achievement: RAINN just hit a milestone: we’ve now helped four million sexual assault survivors and their loved ones.  What’s your next big leap? We’re trying to double the capacity of our online hotline services in the next year.

Hobbies: Reading, trying new restaurants, and cheering on the Yankees.  Recent travel or adventure: Depressingly little travel since covid.  Last book read: Less is Lost, by Andrew Sean Greer; Mouth to Mouth, by Antoine Wilson; The Last White Man, by Mohsin Hamid.  Recently viewed and recommended: Binged the last season of Better Call Saul.

How do you define an ideal business relationship? Mutual trust and assurance that each side gets what it needs from the relationship.  What is your guilty pleasure? Spy novels.  How do you relieve stress? I try hard to ignore it.  What is your go-to workout? Forcing myself to devote time to exercising – and then, 45 minutes on the Peloton.  What ingredient is essential to your perfect vacation? A water view, beach or lake. 

What was your first paying job? A political campaign.  What was your favorite childhood toy or game? Tennis.  What movie have you repeatedly watched? Fargo.  What is your favorite app? MLB.  What is your go-to source of news and information? Washington Post and Wall Street Journal.  

What change are you working on to effect in your profession or field? Encouraging, and helping, more businesses to proactively take steps to prevent and better respond to sexual misconduct.  What change would you like to see in the world? Reversing the course of political polarization and demonization, which has gone way too far.  What widely held belief do you reject? That people who disagree with me are evil.  And that honest mistakes are evidence of bad character.

Who would you like to spend an evening with, in heaven? Winston Churchill.  As a kid, what did you first want to be when you grew up? Third baseman for the Yankees.  And then, Supreme Court justice. Neither seem to be happening.  What advice would you give your younger self? Work less and have more fun.  What period in your life would you do differently, if you could? There are plenty of situations I wish I had handled better, but I wouldn’t want to redo a whole section of my life.  Life is about looking forward and embracing the next challenge, not regretting things that can’t be changed. 

Personal motto: Don’t stress about it, just deal with it.

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