Saundra Schrock

Cues and Views

Levelhead founder and CEO Saundra Schrock, in brief.

Saundra Schrock

Home: Winter in Phoenix, AZ; summer in Flagstaff, AZ.   Age: 60 something.  Birthplace: Brownsville, TN.  Profession: Entrepreneur, psychologist.  Organization: Levelhead.  Title: Founder and CEO.  Preferred pronouns: She/Her/Hers.  Significant other: Jeff (husband). Alma mater: University of Memphis; Arizona State University; Grand Canyon University. Languages spoken: English with a southern accent.

Current project: Tracing my ancestry preparing for a trip to the UK.  Turns out, I’m 97% Brit/Scot/Irish.  Not sure how that happened, since my family has been in the U.S. since the 1600s. Recent recognition: After a fairly serious panel discussion, someone asked about my skincare routine.  Not sure whether to be flattered or insulted.  I would rather have been asked a question about my responses on the panel.  Recent professional development: Expanded my company to include services to higher education with LevelheadEd.  Latest accomplishment: Published a book: Thriving During a Global Pandemic and Beyond.  Latest contribution to others: I provide organizational psychology services pro bono to higher education and non-profit organizations. What’s been your big (or biggest) leap? Deciding to leave a job I had for 35 years without a plan for what was next.  Hobbies: Golf, hiking and ancestry tracing.  Recent travel or adventure: Traveling from Phoenix to Flagstaff on I-17 can be a life threatening trip on the weekend.  Last book read: The Lincoln Highway, by Amor Towles.

Personality profile: Inquisitive, energetic, driven.  And I think I’m funny, but others disagree. What one word would your closest friend use to describe you? Busy.  Moral compass: I ask, how will my actions impact others?  And, is it in alignment with the greater good?  How do you define a perfect friendship? There for you in good times and bad, even if you aren’t in constant contact.  How do you define an ideal business relationship? Mutual trust and respect. What is your greatest joy? Helping someone.  What is your greatest fear? Wasting my time on this earth.  What is your guilty pleasure? Shopping.  What natural talent have you neglected? Providing support to younger female professionals in their development.  What occupation, other than your own, do you most admire? Health care providers.  

What three emojis best describe you? ✌️🐶🍸.

What is at the top of your bucket list? More travel.  Anywhere!  How do you relieve stress? Meditation and walking.  What ingredient is essential to your perfect vacation? Time to explore.  What is your go-to workout? Elliptical and bike.

What book have you repeatedly read? None.  There is too much to read to take time re-reading books.  What movie have you repeatedly watched? Top Gun, because my husband makes me. What’s featured prominently on your home or office wall? Contemporary art.  Who has had the greatest influence on your life? My grandmother.  What is the best advice you received growing up? Don’t give up when things are tough. What is the best advice you received in your career? People expect changes from a new leader, so don’t let them down. What modern technology innovation do you most appreciate? Ear buds.  What is your favorite app? Anything shopping.  What is your go-to source of news and information? The New York Times. What is your go-to source of creative inspiration? Google images.  What world event has had the greatest influence on your life? 9/11.  I was in Chicago at a business meeting and experienced the crisis from the financial market perspective.  It was scary how close the financial system was to collapse. What company or organization do you most admire? JPMorgan Chase, my former employer.

What is your big idea? Development of functional mindfulness practices.  Brief practices you can do during the normal course of your day to live a better life. What change are you working on to effect in your profession or field? Helping  organizations understand how they can positively impact the “whole employee”.  What change would you like to see in the  world? More kindness and less judging.  What message do you want to send out into the world? Let your default reaction to people and events be non-judgmental and with love.  What widely held belief do you reject? That someone has to lose for someone to win.  What mega-trend most excites you? The pandemic helped us discover what is really important in our lives.  What mega-trend most concerns you? The rise of fascism.

Who would you like to spend an evening with, in heaven? My grandmother.  As a kid, what did you first want to be when  you grew up? A fashion designer.  What object would you first save from your burning home? My computer.  How would you choose to spend tomorrow, if you knew it was your last day on earth? Going to the spa and a walk in the forest.  What advice would you give your younger self? Things will work out better than you expected.  Don’t work so hard.  What day in your life would you like to re-live? My wedding day.  What period in your life would you do differently, if you could? None.  Even the rough periods made me who I am.

Personal mission: Live everyday like it is my last. Personal motto: Forgive, but don’t forget. Favorite quote: "Do the best  you can until you know better.  Then, when you know better, do better" (Maya Angelou).

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