Paul Stefunek

Cues and Views

Builder Paul Stefunek, in brief.

July 18, 2022
2 Minutes
Paul Stefunek

Home: Avon, OH.  Birthplace: Yonkers, NY.  Profession: Professional consulting services, business development.  Organization: Centric Consulting.  Title: National Business Development Leader.  Pronouns: He/Him/His.  Significant other: My wife, Michelle.  Alma mater: Pace University (BBA, Marketing).

Current project: I am part of a new national business development team chartered with growing the organization across all of our business units and also across new geographies.  Recent development you’re especially proud of: That my daughter has grown personally and professionally. She has moved out of her home state and advanced her career and personal life in a very short time.  Also, that my stepsons have graduated from high school and are moving on to the next phase of their lives – college!  Latest contribution to others: Serving as a Board Member at the Alzheimer’s Association (Cleveland Area Chapter).  My father recently passed from dementia and giving my time to help others avoid this growing disease helps me deal with the loss and hopefully prevent it in the future.  What’s been your big (or biggest leap)? Advancing my career outside of executive search to a full service international professional services firm.  Hobbies: Ice hockey, although with multiple prior knee surgeries, my playing days are behind me.  Time with family, as much as possible.  Recent travel or adventure: Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  A celebratory experience before the twins head off to college.  Last book read: Greenlights, by Matthew McConaughey. Recently viewed and recommended: Maverick, Elvis, Lincoln Lawyer, Unbelievable.  

Personality profile: From a recent assessment, “maverick”.  I furrowed by eyebrows when I first read it, but reading the details, I agree.  What one word would your closest friend use to describe you? Builder.  How do you define a perfect friendship? Built on trust and always there for you.  What is your greatest joy? Spending time with my wife, children, family and friends. What is your greatest fear? Having lost a child, the fear of losing another one truly scares me. The bible verse, “Let your faith be bigger than your fear” helps me put things in perspective.  What is your guilty pleasure? Sitting on the couch with my wife, eating snacks and watching movies or a series.  What word or phrase do you use far too often? How about now? What occupation, other than your own, do you most admire? Coaching and training.

What three emojis best describe you? 👍😂🙏.

What is your favorite place (or way) to spend money? Costco and Amazon.  What is at the top of your bucket list? Travel with my wife to Italy.  How do you relieve stress? Working out most mornings.  What is your go-to workout? Pushups, pull ups, sit ups and elliptical for cardio.  I used to run, but after several knee surgeries, I have evolved to the elliptical.  What ingredient is essential to your perfect vacation? No agenda!  And less technology.

What was your first paying job? Cutting lawns at age 8.  What was your favorite college course? All marketing classes. This will date me, but in one class, I created the CD car radio.  I got an “A”.  What was your favorite childhood toy or game? Slide hockey, played almost every day with my brother.  What movie have you repeatedly watched? History of the World, Part 1. What’s prominently featured on your home or office wall? Photos of my wife and kids, the American flag and the New York Rangers.  Besides your parents, who has had the greatest influence on your life? My wife and children.  What’s the best advice you received growing up? Listen more than you talk.  What’s the best advice you received in your career? Ask more questions.  What modern technology innovation do you most appreciate? GPS.  What is your favorite app? Waze.  What is your go-to source of news and information? The Wall Street Journal.  What personal circumstance has had the greatest influence on your life? Unfortunately, the death of my son.  The impact and pain is something I hope would never happen to anyone.  The journey has been challenging at times, yet faith and the love and support of family gives me strength.

What change would you like to see in the world? Greater kindness and honesty.  What widely held belief do you reject? Fake it till you make it.  This statement simply makes me cringe. What I hear is: lie.

Who would you like to spend an evening with, in heaven? My son.  As a kid, what did you first want to be when you grew up? A fireman.  I loved the uniform.  I continue to have great respect for the profession.

Personal mission: Being kind and helping others.  Personal motto: Be happy.  Favorite quote: “Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.” (John C. Maxwell).

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