Meghan Juday

Cues and Views

Speaker, author and advocate Meghan Juday, in brief.

Meghan Juday

Home: Philadelphia,  PA.  Birthplace: Chicago, IL.  Organization: IDEAL Industries.  Title: Chairman of the Board.  Founder of The Lodis Forum.  Significant other: Eric Savage.  Alma mater: St. John’s  College.  Languages spoken: English and French (though I've forgotten much of the French I once knew).

Current project(s): Continuing the governance excellence journey in my role as Chairman. Building The Lodis Forum, a network of female Chairs, Vice-Chairs, and Lead Directors.  Making sure that I am taking time to be with my family.  Latest accomplishment: I am so proud of the work that we are doing to connect women in board leadership roles at The Lodis Forum.  Being a woman in a leadership role can be very isolating, so bringing them together to learn and connect has been a joy.  Latest contribution to others: I regularly speak to family businesses either one-on-one or at conferences.  I believe that the world is better off when family businesses succeed and I like to do what I can to support them.  Family business is a noble cause.  Hobbies: Playing squash, cooking, gardening and cycling (mostly on my Peloton).  Last book(s) read: Daring Greatly, by Brene Brown.  The Beneficiary, by Janny Scott.

Personality profile: Happy, outgoing, driven.  What is your greatest joy? My family.  What occupation, other than your own, do you most admire? Anyone in the medical profession during the pandemic.  How do you relieve stress? Exercise.  What is your go-to workout? Peloton or gardening, depending on the weather.  What ingredient is essential to your perfect vacation? Sunshine and warm weather.

What book have you repeatedly read? The Harry Potter series.  What movie have you repeatedly watched? Downtown Abbey.  What’s featured prominently on your home or office wall? Books, lots of books.  What is the best advice you received in your career? Business is people, take care of the people first.  What is your favorite app? Zenkit To Do. What is your go-to source of news and information? The New York Times.

What change would you like to see in the world?

End discrimination for all.

What change(s) are you working on to effect in your profession or field? I'm working on a few: Supporting board diversity efforts, advocating to get women into leadership roles in the boardroom and forming a Trades Council and non-profit to address the labor shortage in the skilled trades.

As a kid, what did you first want to be when you grew up? A doctor.  How would you choose to spend tomorrow, if you knew it was your last day on earth? I would spend it in the garden with my family.  What advice would you give your younger self? Follow your passions, no matter what anyone says.

Personal mission: Help others.  Personal motto: Make a contribution.

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